Jumat, 16 Juli 2021

Health Insurance Functions You Need to Know

Written by Kasdi Weno on:7/16/2021:30:00 
Health problems are often unpredictable, and so is your health. Though the cost of treatment for a disease is not cheap. Although no one wants to experience pain but it would be better if there was treatment from the start. The function of insurance in this case is to be a solution to health problems that may occur.
Health Insurance Functions You Need to Know

Not only beneficial in terms of health itself, but also have a positive impact financially. But in reality, people are still not much aware of the benefits of insurance and what the ins and outs of an insurance policy for health are.

Protecting your health, here are 5 functions of insurance that you need to know.

Insurance Function to Recover Hospitalization Costs

In the type of health risk that is quite severe, the patient needs to be hospitalized. The cost of the room is not cheap either. Not to mention other costs, such as:
  • doctor visit services,
  • drug costs,
  • Lab fees or diagnostic support,
  • surgical operation costs,
  • And other costs.
In health insurance that covers hospitalization, there is usually a reimbursement of all the costs of this hospitalization. In addition, you can also get a classification based on the class that has been written in the insurance policy.

Replace Outpatient Fees

Some health insurance products also have outpatient benefits. This means that if your health risk is not too severe to require hospitalization, then there will still be reimbursement of health costs.

Outpatient health insurance also tends to be more popular among people who consult and seek treatment. They can also recover in a more comfortable home. Whether the benefits are inpatient or outpatient, of course, everyone's condition is different, so they finally choose one of these two types of health insurance benefits.

Transfer Risk

You want to always be safe and healthy. However, no one is able to avoid it if it is time for disaster to occur in the form of illness. If you are already a health insurance customer, at least the risk can be diverted and minimized.

It doesn't mean that you expect pain, but when the exam comes, you will understand that one of the functions of insurance can transfer risk. Make sure you are careful in choosing insurance products by considering your health risks.

Helping the Country's Economy

Any country, if its economic growth is good, then its people can live more prosperously. Then, did you know that insurance actually has an important role to help the country's economy?
If you already have an insurance policy, it means you are also one step ahead in preparing for an emergency. Apart from protecting health and improving the quality of life, it also plays a role in helping the country.

Gives a Sense of Security in the Future

Feeling secure about the future is not always easy for everyone, especially when it comes to health. This health insurance benefit can actually be called the most important function in the long term. Indeed every month there is an insurance premium that needs to be paid.

But the reward is a guarantee of security that later if it turns out to be sick, then there is no need to bother parents or relatives. Not just one person, but also the family feels safe in the future. Isn't that profitable?

Understand the function of insurance, it's time to make choices

The policies of each insurance company will be different, but prospective users of its services must really understand the contents of the insurance policy and everything that is determined by the insurance company.

This understanding can help to avoid various risks of loss due to misunderstanding about the contents of the policy. The function of insurance is important to understand before making a choice.

Jumat, 25 Juni 2021

"The press must be professional and adhere to the principles"

 "This is clearly regulated in Law No. 40 of 1999 article 5. Where the media is obliged to present. However, the press is also ready to serve the right of reply, is obliged to serve the right of correction if there is concern or harm to a party,"

The press is for professionals and obeys the principles because of the obligation to report events and opinions with respect to norms, a sense of public morality and as a presumption of innocence.

When the media contains news, then parties who object to the news, it is obligatory for the media to provide space for the right to answer, the right to reply is the right of a person, group of people, organization or legal entity to respond to and refute news or journalism that violates the journalistic code of ethics, mainly because of and inaccurate facts that are detrimental to personal interests or the media that publish them.

In accordance with Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press, the press that does not serve the right of reply other than violations of the Journalistic Code of Ethics can also be sentenced to a criminal sentence with a maximum fine of Rp. 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah).


What if the right of reply does not produce results?

If the right of reply and complaint to the Press Council does not produce results, then the reference is to the Press Law which regulates the criminal provisions in Article 5 in conjunction with Article 18 paragraph (2) of the Press Law as follows:

Article 5 of the Press Law

(1). The national press reports news and opinions by respecting religious norms and the sense of decency in society as well as the principle of presumption of innocence.

(2). The press is obliged to serve the right of reply

(3). Mandatory to serve the Right of Correction

Article 18 paragraph (2) of the Press Law.

“A press company that violates Article 5 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), as well as Article (13) shall be sentenced to a maximum fine of Rp. 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah)

Bald Kasdi

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Sabtu, 19 Juni 2021

Philosophy of Mount Salak in Missiles and Siloka Salaka Nagara (Sasakala Nagara)

BOGOR, https://pakuanstreet1.blogspot.com= A mountain is a tetengger who has a philosophy or siloka as Guru Nu Agung (mountain) if the characteristic called tetengger is a gravestone that gives a picture of something buried, then there are many deep secrets about Mount Salak, what is buried in the history of Mount Salak to have the meaning of siloka Sasakala Nagara (your origin comes from the meaning of Nagara) Salaka Nagara .

"There is a meaning that needs to be explored in a basta that reads the mustika Siliwangi Sirung Tunggul tuunggulan words with a screen of Mount Halimun Dayeuh Lebak cawene kabuyutan," said Budi Setiawan Dramawangsa to the media.


This describes a secret that has not been revealed in the history of Mount Salak, Bogor's perch and what is buried in it is still a mystery that has not been revealed, but there are many clues to the site's characteristics scattered on several slopes of Mount Salak, one of which is the site Domas Cibalay Tenjolaya statue, Bogor.

Budi added, “I tried to trace the meaning of the Siloka missile in order to be able to reveal the meaning and secret of the meaning of the Siloka Mount Salak to give birth to the forerunner of the Tarumanegara kingdom which is so famous throughout the world.

I feel proud to be part of the genealogy of the descendants of the Bogor ancestors who are still standing majestically on the edge of Mount Salak with a little mystical and spiritual journey to reach the opening of all the secrets contained in Mount Salak.


The secret of the journey of Truth will be the guide for the opening of the mystery of the Secret of Mount Salaka Nagara, Taruma Nagar, which used to have a golden age in its time.

And I think we should feel proud and have concern for the past history of the ancestors of this country, because in fact a great nation is a nation that respects its own history and culture.


That's a bit of the historical story of the Secret of Mount Salak, which has become the pride of the people of Bogor, let time speak about the Secrets of Bogor Secrets from time to time, but we have to maintain and preserve ancestral heritage, concluded Budi Setiawan Dharmawangsa

Journalist : Poernama/Ronny Galing

Editor : Kasdi Bald

Rabu, 12 Mei 2021

Rohmat Selamat, S.H. M.Kn along with the Management of the PWRI DPC Wishes Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1 Sawwal 1442, H.


BOGOR = Alhamdulillah, we are already at the end of the holy month of Ramadan 1442 H. We have a full month of interaction and filling the days of Ramadan with various activities. This worship is carried out by Muslims in order to obtain forgiveness from Allah SWT and seek His pleasure. "The greeting of Rohmat Congratulations SH.MKn, with great gratitude when he met the Islamic News media at his residence, Bojongjengkol village, Wednesday (12 (5/21)

Furthermore, Advocate Rohmat Selamat SH.MKn Ramadhan, which we have been living for a whole month, has left a deep impression in the heart of every Muslim person. Ramadan has taught changes in mindset, mental, attitude and behavior patterns fundamentally in everyday life. "He explained

Ramadan strengthens faith, deepens sincerity, brings me closer to the Khaliq, strengthens brotherhood, builds social empathy, builds an attitude of sharing, erodes arrogance, denies desire and envy, cleanses greed for property and cleanses the souls of Muslims from the dirt of hypocrisy to a calm soul ( nafs al-muthmainnah), clear and prosperous (qalb al-salim). "explained Rohmat, who is trusted to command the PWRI Regency and City of Bogor

We and our DPC PWRI friends celebrate the victory on a fitri day, based on the awareness that, we have tried to clean their souls, are free from confinement and hopefully carry out all acts of worship in the holy month of Ramadan.

In humility, there is a height of mind. In wealth poverty, there is soul wealth. Life is beautiful when there is sorry. Taqabbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum. Rohmat Selamat, S.H., M.Kn, DPC PWRI wishes you a happy Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1442, H. Minal Aizin wal Faizin . "closing the interview with Berita Islamku

Journalist: Casdhy Bald

Senin, 10 Mei 2021


TENJOLAYA bamustenjolaya.blogspot.com = The idea of ​​activists in the Tenjolaya sub-district, which will form a Community Consultative Body (BAMUS) to build Tenjolaya District, is very precise and precise. Because community activists are in the midst of society who are in the midst of society. and community activists are places where the community chats every day, "said Ridwan Muhibi, a resident of Tenjolaya

Furthermore, Ridwan, who daily as a representative of Vice Chairman Commission IV DPRD Bogor Regency, conveyed the message of the Tenjolaya District Deliberative Council which was initiated by activists from the Tenjolaya sub-district in Palanta Laladon, Cinangneng Village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency, Thursday (06/05/21)

Present at the meeting were 1. Ridwan Muhibi (Deputy Chairperson of Commission IV DPRD Bogor Regency) 2. Hendra Tirtana (Secretary of the Bogor District Youth Organization) 3. Hendibal (TKSK, Tenjolaya Sub District) 4. Saepudin / Tulang (Vice Chairman. of the DPD KNPI Kab. Bogor) 4. Acenk (Chairman of Bara Api) 5. Zulkifli Lubis (PAC PPP Tenjolaya) 6. Badru (Chairperson of Tenjolaya UMKM) and other activists in Tenjolaya

According to Hendra Tirtana, secretary of the Karang Taruna Regency of Bogor, with the formation of BANMUS in line with the main tasks and functions of Karangtaruna, jointly with the Government and other components of society to overcome various social welfare problems, especially those that create younger generations, both those that are preventive, rehabilitative and develop the potential to create Collaboration between the government and community elements must be carried out so that the program for the village can run quickly and optimally

Aep Saepudin, who is familiarly called Tulang as a young activist, hopes that this meeting and discussion can produce maximum results so that Tenjolaya activists will unite to build Tenjolaya in a better direction. Unite and rebuild communication for the improvement of Tenjolaya sub-district from the aspect of social development and other activities.

Meanwhile Hendibal also stated the same thing regarding the dissolution and agreement of Bamus Tenjolaya, none other than to unite thoughts and positive contributions to the progress of Tenjolaya as a strategic partner of the sub-district government.

The formation of Bamus has been through an agreement with the activists so that the activists in Tenjolaya especially those present must be responsible for advancing and raising the image of Tenjolaya better, and I hope that Bamus Tenjolaya will be able to answer problems and challenges "said Hendiball.

The inaugural meeting was running full of dynamics, as well as innovations on how to make Tenjolaya more advanced in the future, from the results, the meeting was agreed as soon as this BAMUS was taken care of by its legal entity.

Journalist : Casdhy Bald

Jumat, 23 April 2021

ADVOKAT Rohmat Selamat, SH.M.Kn: 18 victims of AFara Hills Ciampea Bogor housing entered at Cibinong District Court


18 cases of victims of housing fraud under the guise of sharia are currently running in the Cibinong Bogor District Court.

Victims who want to file a civil or criminal lawsuit can also contact Advocate Rohmat Selamat SH.M.Kn, who is now the attorney of 18 victims of the lure of housing on behalf of the Afara First Hills Ciampea Syariah housing.

According to him, this incident was a matter of criminal and criminal acts, so the Bogor Police took steps to intervene because the victims of indications of fraud in Afara Hills Housing reached hundreds of people, this must also be addressed by the Regent of Bogor so that there should be no more Sharia Property fraud in the Bogor district by way of monitoring. which is strict against Islamic Housing developers.

Kasdi Bald

Sabtu, 10 April 2021


Rain City pakuanstreet1.blogspot.com

The West Bogor Journalists Working Group (Pokja Bobar) formed a Cross-Profession Communication Forum, at the Cafe Senja CRV Bogor Rafing & Wisata Cibungbulang, Bogor Regency Friday (09/04/21) The Cross-Profession Communication Forum consisting of West Bogor Journalists, ASN from the Ministry of PUPR , Roads and Bridges, as well as irrigation, Ormas, Community Social Institutions as well as village officials

This Cross-Profession Communication Forum, was formed because of a desire or hope, Various Professions in West Bogor, To apply the Pancakarsa Program in Bogor Regency,

Agus Tiro as the initiator of the Inter-Profession Communication Forum (FKLP) said that with the formation of this Forum, we as media personnel, synergize with Comunity organization, elements of governance, to provide input as social control as well as help and build village potential in the Bogor district area.

Meanwhile Eko Sulistyanto, is ready to be involved as an advisor or assistant to village infrastructure, especially those related to roads and bridges

Eko, who works as a civil servant and serves as the Head of the Leuwiliang Bridge and Road Infrastructure Unit on a daily basis, further explained that he would make a sample in one village, with a target, so that in the future this village would become a reference for other villages.

Separately Badri from the Irrigation office, welcomed the formation of this Forum, If all component groups, elements of society unite in helping to make the program of the government, Insha Allah, the Regent of Bogor with the Pancakarsa program be realized,

Dedy Ismail

Editor: Kasdi Botak


Health Insurance Functions You Need to Know

Written by Kasdi Weno on:7/16/2021:30:00 Health problems are often unpredictable, and so is your health. Though the cost of treatment for a ...