Rabu, 12 Mei 2021

Rohmat Selamat, S.H. M.Kn along with the Management of the PWRI DPC Wishes Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1 Sawwal 1442, H.


BOGOR = Alhamdulillah, we are already at the end of the holy month of Ramadan 1442 H. We have a full month of interaction and filling the days of Ramadan with various activities. This worship is carried out by Muslims in order to obtain forgiveness from Allah SWT and seek His pleasure. "The greeting of Rohmat Congratulations SH.MKn, with great gratitude when he met the Islamic News media at his residence, Bojongjengkol village, Wednesday (12 (5/21)

Furthermore, Advocate Rohmat Selamat SH.MKn Ramadhan, which we have been living for a whole month, has left a deep impression in the heart of every Muslim person. Ramadan has taught changes in mindset, mental, attitude and behavior patterns fundamentally in everyday life. "He explained

Ramadan strengthens faith, deepens sincerity, brings me closer to the Khaliq, strengthens brotherhood, builds social empathy, builds an attitude of sharing, erodes arrogance, denies desire and envy, cleanses greed for property and cleanses the souls of Muslims from the dirt of hypocrisy to a calm soul ( nafs al-muthmainnah), clear and prosperous (qalb al-salim). "explained Rohmat, who is trusted to command the PWRI Regency and City of Bogor

We and our DPC PWRI friends celebrate the victory on a fitri day, based on the awareness that, we have tried to clean their souls, are free from confinement and hopefully carry out all acts of worship in the holy month of Ramadan.

In humility, there is a height of mind. In wealth poverty, there is soul wealth. Life is beautiful when there is sorry. Taqabbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum. Rohmat Selamat, S.H., M.Kn, DPC PWRI wishes you a happy Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1442, H. Minal Aizin wal Faizin . "closing the interview with Berita Islamku

Journalist: Casdhy Bald

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