Senin, 10 Mei 2021


TENJOLAYA = The idea of ​​activists in the Tenjolaya sub-district, which will form a Community Consultative Body (BAMUS) to build Tenjolaya District, is very precise and precise. Because community activists are in the midst of society who are in the midst of society. and community activists are places where the community chats every day, "said Ridwan Muhibi, a resident of Tenjolaya

Furthermore, Ridwan, who daily as a representative of Vice Chairman Commission IV DPRD Bogor Regency, conveyed the message of the Tenjolaya District Deliberative Council which was initiated by activists from the Tenjolaya sub-district in Palanta Laladon, Cinangneng Village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency, Thursday (06/05/21)

Present at the meeting were 1. Ridwan Muhibi (Deputy Chairperson of Commission IV DPRD Bogor Regency) 2. Hendra Tirtana (Secretary of the Bogor District Youth Organization) 3. Hendibal (TKSK, Tenjolaya Sub District) 4. Saepudin / Tulang (Vice Chairman. of the DPD KNPI Kab. Bogor) 4. Acenk (Chairman of Bara Api) 5. Zulkifli Lubis (PAC PPP Tenjolaya) 6. Badru (Chairperson of Tenjolaya UMKM) and other activists in Tenjolaya

According to Hendra Tirtana, secretary of the Karang Taruna Regency of Bogor, with the formation of BANMUS in line with the main tasks and functions of Karangtaruna, jointly with the Government and other components of society to overcome various social welfare problems, especially those that create younger generations, both those that are preventive, rehabilitative and develop the potential to create Collaboration between the government and community elements must be carried out so that the program for the village can run quickly and optimally

Aep Saepudin, who is familiarly called Tulang as a young activist, hopes that this meeting and discussion can produce maximum results so that Tenjolaya activists will unite to build Tenjolaya in a better direction. Unite and rebuild communication for the improvement of Tenjolaya sub-district from the aspect of social development and other activities.

Meanwhile Hendibal also stated the same thing regarding the dissolution and agreement of Bamus Tenjolaya, none other than to unite thoughts and positive contributions to the progress of Tenjolaya as a strategic partner of the sub-district government.

The formation of Bamus has been through an agreement with the activists so that the activists in Tenjolaya especially those present must be responsible for advancing and raising the image of Tenjolaya better, and I hope that Bamus Tenjolaya will be able to answer problems and challenges "said Hendiball.

The inaugural meeting was running full of dynamics, as well as innovations on how to make Tenjolaya more advanced in the future, from the results, the meeting was agreed as soon as this BAMUS was taken care of by its legal entity.

Journalist : Casdhy Bald

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