Senin, 05 April 2021



Cibungbulang = Head of Galuga Village Endang SE, built Disaster Resilience Village (DESTANA). The establishment of a disaster -resistant village alias destana by the Galuga Village Government was carried out because of the history of landslides in the village which is quite a large area, "said Endang starting an interview with Monday (05/04/21)

Furthermore, Endang said that about 35 volunteers from the community are ready to participate in the formation of a disaster -resistant village alias destana.

"It was set up as a disaster risk reduction forum to work with village heads on mitigation matters. They also acted as volunteers at the village level. It was not only during emergencies, but also before disasters.

Therefore, on April 7 to 8, BPBD Bogor will hold training related to disasters
"We will train the community from pre-disaster, disaster management training, to post-disaster management. But indeed we are more emphasizing on preventive measures on how to anticipate disasters and detect signs

Endang hopes that the existence of a disaster -resistant village initiated by Galuga Village can make residents more able to manage disasters so that it does not happen with the right anticipatory measures. "We certainly hope there will be no disaster. But even if there is, at least the community can save themselves first and then save other residents," said Endang.

Reporter: Dedy
Editor: Kasdi Botak

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