Jumat, 19 Maret 2021

Positive Response from the Bogor Regent, Save Lives, With the Tree Planting Movement


Forests, the first function is to help us breathe. Forests pump out the oxygen we need to live and absorb the carbon dioxide we exhale (or emit). A mature, leafy tree is thought to provide a daily supply of oxygen for two to 10 people. In addition to providing fresh air and clean water for humans, habitat for wildlife, it can also help prevent landslides and floods, "explained Rohmat Selamat, SH, M.Kn, Chairperson of the DPC PWRI Bogor Regency.

Rohmat further explained, “Preserving the forest is our collective responsibility. The public must be educated about the importance of caring for the environment, planting trees, saving forests for human life, "said Rohmat to FBINEWS.NET, at the DPC PWRI Bogor Office, Jalan Bersih No. 1, Cibinong Regency Government office complex, Friday (19/03/2021).

"We must learn to love the forest, if the forest is bare and not properly maintained, it will be a threat to the survival of life itself, because tree roots are the main ally in heavy rain, especially for lowland areas such as river plains. They help soil absorb more flash floods, reduce soil loss and property damage by slowing flow. " he stressed.

We can do the Tree Planting Movement with the hashtag to save lives through touring, study tours, and traveling to make it more exciting and attractive. Games, discussions, various competitions and so on are sustainable, "he explained.

"This tree planting activity is not only completed once but continuously we invite community groups, student schools to attend planting while traveling. Nature instills a sense of care for the environment". Bright.

Because of this concern, this Bogor District Young Lawyer has launched a tree planting movement program for life, in addition to Bukit Wisata Cianten Bogor. This active, also received a positive response from the Regent of Bogor.

"Apart from forest planting, we will carry out a series of activities, we will target students, university students and other millennials, so that they will pay attention to forests and the environment. We can do it through discussions, various competitions and so on, "he explained.

The movement to plant trees for life, he said, would later involve many parties, such as the Ministry of Environment, West Java Provincial Government, Bogor Regency Government, Companies, Entrepreneurs, or other related parties who care about the environment.

Casidhy Bald

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