Jumat, 23 April 2021

ADVOKAT Rohmat Selamat, SH.M.Kn: 18 victims of AFara Hills Ciampea Bogor housing entered at Cibinong District Court


18 cases of victims of housing fraud under the guise of sharia are currently running in the Cibinong Bogor District Court.

Victims who want to file a civil or criminal lawsuit can also contact Advocate Rohmat Selamat SH.M.Kn, who is now the attorney of 18 victims of the lure of housing on behalf of the Afara First Hills Ciampea Syariah housing.

According to him, this incident was a matter of criminal and criminal acts, so the Bogor Police took steps to intervene because the victims of indications of fraud in Afara Hills Housing reached hundreds of people, this must also be addressed by the Regent of Bogor so that there should be no more Sharia Property fraud in the Bogor district by way of monitoring. which is strict against Islamic Housing developers.

Kasdi Bald

Sabtu, 10 April 2021


Rain City pakuanstreet1.blogspot.com

The West Bogor Journalists Working Group (Pokja Bobar) formed a Cross-Profession Communication Forum, at the Cafe Senja CRV Bogor Rafing & Wisata Cibungbulang, Bogor Regency Friday (09/04/21) The Cross-Profession Communication Forum consisting of West Bogor Journalists, ASN from the Ministry of PUPR , Roads and Bridges, as well as irrigation, Ormas, Community Social Institutions as well as village officials

This Cross-Profession Communication Forum, was formed because of a desire or hope, Various Professions in West Bogor, To apply the Pancakarsa Program in Bogor Regency,

Agus Tiro as the initiator of the Inter-Profession Communication Forum (FKLP) said that with the formation of this Forum, we as media personnel, synergize with Comunity organization, elements of governance, to provide input as social control as well as help and build village potential in the Bogor district area.

Meanwhile Eko Sulistyanto, is ready to be involved as an advisor or assistant to village infrastructure, especially those related to roads and bridges

Eko, who works as a civil servant and serves as the Head of the Leuwiliang Bridge and Road Infrastructure Unit on a daily basis, further explained that he would make a sample in one village, with a target, so that in the future this village would become a reference for other villages.

Separately Badri from the Irrigation office, welcomed the formation of this Forum, If all component groups, elements of society unite in helping to make the program of the government, Insha Allah, the Regent of Bogor with the Pancakarsa program be realized,

Dedy Ismail

Editor: Kasdi Botak


Senin, 05 April 2021


 BOGOR, pakuanstreet1.blogspot.com

Cibungbulang = Head of Galuga Village Endang SE, built Disaster Resilience Village (DESTANA). The establishment of a disaster -resistant village alias destana by the Galuga Village Government was carried out because of the history of landslides in the village which is quite a large area, "said Endang starting an interview with pakuanstreet1.blogspot.com Monday (05/04/21)

Furthermore, Endang said that about 35 volunteers from the community are ready to participate in the formation of a disaster -resistant village alias destana.

"It was set up as a disaster risk reduction forum to work with village heads on mitigation matters. They also acted as volunteers at the village level. It was not only during emergencies, but also before disasters.

Therefore, on April 7 to 8, BPBD Bogor will hold training related to disasters
"We will train the community from pre-disaster, disaster management training, to post-disaster management. But indeed we are more emphasizing on preventive measures on how to anticipate disasters and detect signs

Endang hopes that the existence of a disaster -resistant village initiated by Galuga Village can make residents more able to manage disasters so that it does not happen with the right anticipatory measures. "We certainly hope there will be no disaster. But even if there is, at least the community can save themselves first and then save other residents," said Endang.

Reporter: Dedy
Editor: Kasdi Botak

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