Kamis, 04 Maret 2021

Chairman of Rohmat Appoints Candra Masturo.S.IP as Deputy Chairperson of the DPC PWRI

Rohmat Selamat SH.M.kn (right) Candra Masturo S.IP (left)

https://pakuanstreet1.blogspot.com= Kabupaten Bogor.

Right on Thursday, March 4, 2021, the chairman of DPC PWRI, Bogor Regency, Rohmat Selamat SH.M.kn, referred to Candra Masturo S.IP as the deputy chairman of the DPC, the goal of this is to be able to build PWRI in the future so that it is more synergistic and can provide thoughts as well as good input for PWRI, not only at the DPC level, but at the lower and upper levels, that's what ''Rohmat Selamat said.

Located on the Sukahati street of Perum Depdagri Surya Praja Permai Blok C 7 no 1-2 Cibinong District, Bogor Regency. I as the chairman of DPC PWRI Bogor Regency, inaugurated today 4 March 2021, for brother  Chairman of Rohmat Appoints Candra Masturo.S.IP as Deputy Chairperson of the DPC PWRI  accompanying me to running and building PWRI is a pride not only for me personally, but for the wider community of course, hopefully in his hands, PWRI can provide good input and become a role model for PWRI members throughout Bogor Raya, which consists of:

 West Bogor. East Bogor,South Bogor, North Bogor,TRC PWRI Center,TRC PWRI West and North.POKJA Bogor Barat. And North POKJA Bogor Timur, and South Team 5. Anti Hoax Task Force National Park Task Force.Task Force BSP.

I, as the chairman of the DPC PWRI KAB BOGOR, am very grateful to all media colleagues who are members of the PWRI Bogor Regency membership, in order to accept what has become a decision that I take, because of it, in the future suggestions and input from all colleagues Media colleagues who are members of the DPC PWRI institution, can participate in providing good input, of course, that's the conclusion. Rohmat Selamat SH.M.kn

This year, I think the DPC PWRI KAB BOGOR can be something to be reckoned with in terms of performance, in terms of helping the community, which is our goal in accordance with the provisions of the existing regulations in AD-ART, we as a DPC PWRI  institution as social control, it is important for all. colleagues, so that in each region to pay more attention and monitor the running of the wheels of the economy, the results of the monitoring are equal and fair, both in terms of economy, health, assistance where people need assistance from the legal side, and many Another thing that I cannot describe all, I believe and trust all media colleagues who are members of the DPC PWRI Bogor Regency, they must really understand, and understand what to do, that's how he concluded.

Journalist : Jon Piter

Editor: Casdhy Bald

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