Kamis, 25 Februari 2021

In carrying out the journalistic profession, journalists cannot be accused of PIDANA or PERDATA


Rohmat Selamat, SH, M.Kn 

Violence and criminalization of journalists has recently spread in Indonesia. In fact, by now, Indonesia has entered the era of press freedom, marked by the end of the era of repression of the New Order government.

In the current era of reform, the freedom of the press to disseminate information to the public is open, compared to the New Order era. However, the birth of this freedom of the press was followed by the increasing threat of violence against journalists, as well as leading to the realm of law, in relation to the news or information written.

As a media actor and legal practitioner, I am often asked questions by fellow journalists, whether journalists who report fake or unsatisfactory news to other parties that contain defamatory elements or create negative opinions can be criminalized? This question, we must see.

If a journalist spreads the wrong news, which can lead to negative opinions, the journalist cannot be blamed. There is no space or mechanism that can be implemented.

Basically, journalists who publish inaccurate articles or reports should immediately remove, correct, and correct any inaccurate and inaccurate news along with an apology to the reader.

This refers to Article 10 of the Press Council Regulation No. 6 / Regulation -DP / V / 2008 on the Ratification of Press Council Decision Number 03 / SK-DP / III / 2006 on the Journalism Ethics Code as the Press Council Regulation states:

"Indonesian journalists immediately remove, correct and correct false and inaccurate news along with apologies to readers, viewers and / or viewers,"

In the world of the press, as regulated by Law No. 40 of 1999 on the Press, there are two terms that are known, namely the right of reply and the right of correction

The right to reply is the right of a person or a group of people to give a response or assistance to the report in the form of facts that harm his good name.

The right to justify is the right for anyone to correct or correct any misinformation presented by the press about themselves or others.

Related to this issue, the right to reply and the right to correct are the steps that can be taken by national press readers if there is an error in reporting, in particular that causes harm to certain parties.

The next step that can be taken, the injured party can make a complaint to the Press Council.

*) Rohmat Selamat, SH, M.Kn, Legal Practitioner, Chairman of PWRI Bogor Raya

Tomorrow the PWRI plans occupy a New Building

PWRI Bogor Raya Secretary Building

The Republic of Indonesia Journalists Association (PWRI) Bogor Raya immediately occupies a new building, the PWRI building is located in the Bogor Regency Government complex, precisely on Jalan Bersih number 12, Cibinong Tengah. With the plan for the new office, the Head of PWRI Bogor Raya, Rohmat Selamat. SH, MKn hopes to support the effectiveness of journalists' activities in carrying out their duties.

This means being closer to the people who will convey their aspirations to the government through the media. The presence of the PWRI office or secretariat is expected to support journalists' performance.

It is planned that this secretariat will be completed, VIP room, staff room, living room, office space with a capacity of 15 person. Brocasting studio room. Studio Hall Theater Room, Worship Facilities,and  Mushola, "According to Rohmat Selamat the Chairman of PWRI Bogor Raya

Rabu, 24 Februari 2021

SBY: Democratic Party Not for Sale!

JAKARTA=Chairman of the High Council Democratic Party (PD) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) spoke on the issue of the coup leadership of Ketum Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). SBY emphasized that the Democrats were not a party that could be bought.

"There is a movement to take over the leadership of the PD, hereinafter we will call the GPK PD that wants to take over the leadership of the legitimate party. This movement basically wants to overthrow and seize the leadership of the legitimate party. Then replace it with outsiders who are not democratic cadres, who collude with a handful of cadres and former cadres the problem is, "said SBY in a video received on Wednesday (24/2/2021).

"If this movement is successful because someone wants to buy our party and then there are facilitators, our party could experience darkness," he added.

SBY emphasized that the Democrat Party was not for sale. SBY emphasized that the Democrat Party was not tempted by money, regardless of its size.

"On this occasion, for outsiders who have the ambition to win and buy the Democratic Party, I will say clearly and clearly, the Democrat Party is not for sale! Our party is not for sale, even though the Democratic Party is not a party that is rich in material terms. don't be tempted by your money, no matter how much, "said SBY.

As is well known, the issue of the Democratic coup was conveyed directly by AHY some time ago. There are 5 parties that are said to be involved in the issue of the Democratic coup, including Jhoni Allen Marbun as an active cadre, M Nazaruddin as a former cadre, and Moeldoko as an external party.

Copy Kasdi Botak

Selasa, 23 Februari 2021

Indonesian Journalists Association (PWRI) Kab. Bogor today visited the Bogor Police to ask about the progress of cases of child sexual abuse.


The arrival of the PWRI Kab. Bogor who wants to meet the Bogor Police Chief AKBP Harun S.I.K., S.H. warmly welcomed and immediately received in the Kapolres room.

On this occasion, Kapolres Bogor AKBP Harun S.I.K., S.H. welcomes the arrival of colleagues PWRI Kab. Bogor

"We welcome the arrival of PWRI Kab. Bogor to Bogor Police. The Bogor Police have maintained good relations with media partners so that there is synergy. If there is any input, criticism or findings, please convey it to our PR department, "said Harun.

Regarding cases of child sexual abuse that have been reported to the Bogor Police, the Police Chief explained that he would follow up on this matter.

"Seeing the development of the results of this investigation has been included in the A-3, meaning that it is already under investigation. The progress is good, it has been handled. The function of this investigation is to find evidence and determine the suspect. If it is already under investigation it is suspected or indicated that there is a criminal act, all that is left is to look for evidence and determine the suspect, "Harun explained. Tuesday (23/02/2021)

The Police Chief added, If there is any suggestion, input or anything in the community, it can go directly to me and to PR.

"We want to provide the best service, we also work together. The problems in society are not only my authority, but ours. We are the Police given the mandate by the government to carry out this, but to maintain order and security in the community, it is our duty together, "he concluded.

Met after meeting the Chief of Police, the Head of the PWRI Kab. Bogor appreciates the steps taken by the Police Chief regarding cases of child sexual abuse

"We would like to thank the Bogor Police Chief AKBP Harun S.I.K., S.H. for the time given to us. We also give our appreciation to the Chief of Police and their ranks regarding the follow-up of cases of sexual abuse of minors who have been investigated, "said Rohmat.

Rohmat hopes that the synergy between PWRI and Bogor Police will continue to be well established

"We hope that the synergy between PWRI and Bogor Police will continue and regarding this case we hope that the perpetrator will be arrested immediately, because as a result of the incident the victim becomes traumatized because the victim is still a minor," hoped Rohmat.

It should be noted, the notification of the progress of the investigation results was given to the victim's family as of February 8, 2020 regarding the improvement of the process from investigation to investigation and the Bogor Police will make efforts to summon witnesses as well as to obtain data / documents and to clarify the case.

Bald Cashdi

Senin, 22 Februari 2021

Ade Yasin Invites the Community to Succeed in Family Data Collection in Bogor Regency

Ade Yasin Invites the Community to Succeed in Family Data Collection in Bogor Regency

CIBINONG-Bogor Regent, Ade Yasin invites all Bogor Regency people to succeed in the family data collection which will be held from April 1 to May 31, 2021 in all areas of Bogor Regency.


Ade Yasin explained that data is very important in development planning including family data, therefore every 5 years the government conducts family data collection which is carried out by the National Family Planning Coordination Board (BKKBN).

“Come on, welcome the enumerator who will come to your house with a friendly smile. Provide true, accurate and clear data while adhering to the 5M health protocol, ”said Ade.

Ade Yasin added, the initial data collection on family planning, ensure that our families are recorded for the most advanced, comfortable, and civilized Bogor Regency.

Meanwhile, family data collection is a five-year activity by the BKKBN to obtain data on Indonesian families. This is in accordance with Law No. 52 of 2009 concerning Population Development and Family Development, which is strengthened by Government Regulation no. 87 of 2014 concerning Population Development and Family Development, Family Planning, and Family Information Systems.

The regulation mandates that in order to support the implementation of the development of the Family Planning Family Development Population Program (KKBPK), Family Data and Information are required to be managed in the Family Information System.

Editor : mbah Kasdi is bald

Health Insurance Functions You Need to Know

Written by Kasdi Weno on:7/16/2021:30:00 Health problems are often unpredictable, and so is your health. Though the cost of treatment for a ...